49 Sargeant Street

The youngest house in NINA's homes. Built in the early 2000s, 49 Sargeant was one of three infill houses built by Dresca Construction and offered as homeownership opportunities. NINA acquired this house through the First Look program and preserved it as homeownership.


There isn't a "before" shot for this house, since it was new construction and since it was not in distress when NINA acquired it.

First Floor

Move your mouse over a red or yellow circle to see a photo.

2nd Floor

Move your mouse over a red or yellow circle to see a photo.

Project Details

Started:July 2011
Completed:January 2012

Project Milestones

Acquisition:July 14, 2011
Building Permit:July 14, 2011
Certificate of Occupancy:January 12, 2012
Closing on Sale:January 12, 2012