NINA's Work Recognized by the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation

4/27/2009 |


NINA was very honored to be recognized by the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation with their prestigious Harlan H. Griswold Award in HIstoric Preservation for exemplifying "Harland Griswold's leadership, vision, and selfless dedication to preserving Connecticut's heritage and who by deed or example have mad our state a better place for all of its citizens." We shared the award with Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven, which like us works to preserve historic properties as affordable housing opportunities. CTHP has a nice write-up on its web site, and they also mention the other awards given out tonight. We especially want to extend our congratulations to Trinity College and the University of Hartford Hartt School of Music on their awards -- together we are all working together to preserve Hartford's history well into the future!

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