A series of entries designed to capture the ongoing adventures of NINA! See how we came to be where we are today, and follow along as we enter the new century of social media!
Plus a shot of the exterior painting.
The van turning left onto Asylum Avenue (westbound) has a green arrow, but it can only squeak through.
Mostly interiors, with a couple of shots of and in the garage out back.
Painting inside. Porch and front door outside.
Small wonder the Trident is a nightmare.
The house has been cleaned out, and interior demolition is underway.
The fireplace being tiled in the surround. Work on the front porch.
Today was the 2nd Annual Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association Homeownership Fair, and I represented NINA at a table there. I presented general information on NINA homes and why Asylum Hill is a neighborhood of choice.
The pictures aren’t great, but that’s because I was very busy with people coming to my table! I got photos as I could between visitors.
287-289 Sargeant Street, next door to 291-293 Sargeant Street, a NINA home completed in April 2011.
I got to take a walk through 287-289 Sargeant today, as I collected "before" photos for the project.