A series of entries designed to capture the ongoing adventures of NINA! See how we came to be where we are today, and follow along as we enter the new century of social media!

Page: 11

Bad scene on Forest Street

Safe Growth

Heading home for lunch, I passed by 66 Forest Street.

Checking out streetlights at night

Safe Growth

I started my nighttime survey of streetlights this evening as I walked home along Garden Street.  Winter will be the best time to do this, of course, as I can head home at a normal hour and it’ll already by dark.

Stan Guzek dropped by to take some photos

80-82 Hawthorn Street

Stan Guzek dropped by to take some photos for us – this is the first time we’ve seen him since the pandemic began.

Trash and recycle carts arrive at 80 Hawthorn Street

80-82 Hawthorn Street

I dropped by 80 Hawthorn today and was very pleased to see that our new trash and recycling carts had arrived.  We apparently got very lucky that we put in our request for them when we did:  word on the street is that these carts are in increasingly short supply because of national supply chain issues.  These carts are for both 80 and 82 Hawthorn.

80 Hawthorn in Snowy Repose

80-82 Hawthorn Street

New street lines, but no new crosswalks

News,Safe Growth

While surveying streetlights and street signs today, I noticed that while the City has painted the new traffic lines on Sigourney Street, they didn’t paint the crosswalks.

Happy Holidays!


Our neighbors down the hall put up a Christmas tree in the hallway, brightening my day.

The rest of Sargeant Street and all of Woodland Drive

Safe Growth

It got even worse when I went down Woodland Drive.  Ashley Street will be next, but before that we’ll be talking to Hartford’s Department of Public Works about signage and how it’s replaced.  I’m also wondering why Woodland Drive, an entirely residential cul-de-sac marked in a couple of places to drive slowly and to watch out for kids, has a speed limit of 25 miles per hour.

More on the street signs

Safe Growth

Another block down Sargeant Street, and more signs that need replacement.  At least the fire hydrants have been re-painted.

An award from Fresh Start Pallet Products


Our friends at Fresh Start Pallet Products had their annual holiday celebration today, and as part of that event they recognized NINA with their 2021 Community Partner Award.  We have been working with Fresh Start Pallet Products since 2020, when they prepared the fancy woodwork trim for the gables at 86 and 88 Hawthorn.  They also prepared the fancy woodwork for the gables at 80 and 82 Hawthorn, but for these houses they also prepared the front doors.

Fresh Start is right here in Veeder Place, two floors and a building length away from us, and they do tremendous work.  You can see what they do for yourself, and we suggest you drop by their online shop while you’re there.

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