A series of entries designed to capture the ongoing adventures of NINA! See how we came to be where we are today, and follow along as we enter the new century of social media!

Page: 14

It’s not in Asylum Hill, but it’s new since you’ve been gone


ConnDOT has just about finished the new rotary at the intersection of Park Terrace, Sigourney, and Russ – all that’s left is painting the stripes.  It’s just south of I-84 in Frog Hollow, and it’s something you might take someday, plus it’s right next to where I live.  Note the scooters, too:  these are the latest is pay-to-share transportation in Hartford.  They seem like they are fun, but they’ve been prompting some less than safe maneuvers around town, especially up and down Broad Street.

New speed hump on Huntington


Brand new – and already causing grief for speeders!  As you can see from the grooves in the street, this new speed hump has taken its toll.  I suppose this is why they paint warning stripes?

This one is between Ashley and Collins, but there’s another one down between Asylum and Collins, too.

New fence at 1 Imlay

1 Imlay Street

The current owners of the house put in a fence along 42 Hawthorn.

Aggressively blocking the box


I see cars doing it all the time, but this bus gave it a whole new meaning.  It also led me to contemplate that there have been a lot of changes to traffic patterns in Asylum Hill since the pandemic began, and I should do something to catch everyone up on that.

The masons are done, plus a quick peek inside

80-82 Hawthorn Street

It’s looking pretty good!

Slowed Street on Ashley Street


I was over at 29 Ashley today when I noticed that DPW (apparently) had marked the street on Ashley Street for striping.  This wasn’t entirely unexpected:  the residents of Ashley have met several times with a City official who discussed the slowed street plan with them.  Not all of them were excited by it, but more meetings were promised.

And that’s what’s unexpected.  The City official in charge of the project retired back in July, and since that time no one has heard anything from the City.  What’s more, the residents were assured that this would be an experiment – in other words, a study on the effects of the slowed street pattern would be done for one year, so nothing would be installed (or painted) permanently, just in case something didn’t work out and needed to be removed.

This isn’t looking so temporary or experimental!  I guess we’ll see.

And at long last, the last delivery to West Middle Community School!


From my house to the school to the office of the vice principal.  Thanks to Jaclyn Visintainer for the shot from her office.

This has been an interesting time of it!  We were very glad that we could pitch in with things at West Middle Community School, and by all accounts the students are enjoying it all.  But, I have to say, the vendors made this a very strange and occasionally complicated process.  Did you know, for example, that if you have an Amazon Business account you can only pay for orders with a personal checking account or credit card?  It’s actually in the business account agreement, which I’ll confess to having missed, but honestly:  what’s the point of a business account if you can’t use business funds to pay for stuff???

You can read all about it on our page dedicated to TeacherDollars.  Eventually.  I’m still feeling a bit snarky about some of what the vendors put me through.

And so they did!


Join them, that is.  More boxes.

The next batch


Sitting in my foyer, waiting for other boxes to join them.

Here we go again: the home stretch!


With the money left over after buying books and school supplies, West Middle Community School requested that we buy playground equipment so the students would have something to use while they were out at recess.  Here’s the first load, going in my car from my house to the school.

I’m pretty sure I’ve declared myself very nearly at the end several times already, but this time I really mean it!  The final order has been placed.  It’s all up to Amazon and USPS now.

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