A series of entries designed to capture the ongoing adventures of NINA! See how we came to be where we are today, and follow along as we enter the new century of social media!
Page: 18Prepping for the foundation. You can now get a sense of where the houses will be in relation to their surroundings.
On my way back from the loading dock, I noticed that the bubbler was locked out of service. It’s nice to know Veeder Place is looking out for us – but all these months in, and I’m just noticing it – what does that say about me?
More items are arriving, and this time I seem to be keeping the piles neat and even organized.
We closed on the sale of 86 Hawthorn Street today, and we're very glad that we had this closing scheduled for today rather than for yesterday! The buyers are a couple moving into Hartford from East Hartford, and we're looking forward to welcoming them to their new home and neighborhood.
We won't miss shoveling the snow here, that's for sure!
We closed on the sale of 115 Sigourney Street today! The buyer is a single mom who had been living in Asylum Hill already. She works for a non-profit in the neighborhood, and she's already involved with AHNA. How cool is that?
This is actually the second pick-up this week. The first one, only one teacher could make it up, and he couldn’t get all of the boxes into his car. So we arranged a second pick-up, and four teachers were able to make it for this one. We were able to make very quick work of the remaining boxes.
That has been one of the great things about this grant – even during the pandemic, we’ve all pulled together to get this done, using whatever means we can to get school supplies and books into the hands of the students. This year won’t go down as anyone’s favorite year – but if anyone goes looking for a bright spot in 2020, here it is!
We’re getting near the end of the teachers’ wish list. We’re probably 75% of the way through, maybe a little more.
I dropped by Key Books on Bartholomew Avenue this evening to pick up the latest arrivals for TeacherDollars. Key Books is a new, locally owned bookstore in Parkville, and they specialize in books that focus on Afrocentricity, spirituality, environmentalism, and entrepreneurship. Their motto is “divine liberation, one page at a time.”