33 Sargeant Street

NINA’s first, wholly new construction: we designed and built this house to fit the architectural and historic character of the neighborhood. Winner, 2012 Hartford Preservation Alliance Award for outstanding in-fill construction.

First Floor

Only yellow dots.
Move your mouse over a red or yellow circle to see a photo.

Second Floor

Move your mouse over a red or yellow circle to see a photo.

Project Milestones

Acquistion:March 17, 2010
Building Permit:April 30, 2010
Certificate of Occupancy:November 1, 2011
Closing on Sale:January 6, 2012

Project Details

Started:May 2010
Completed:January 2012
Total Budget:$345,800

Project History

Courant runs opinion piece spotlighting 33 Sargeant Street


Bernie Michel submitted a very nice opinion piece on NINA and our work in Asylum Hill that the Courant published today. He focused on 33 Sargeant Street, which is NINA's first new construction project, and he thanks our major funders -- Bank